Alternate Method: Going Into DFU Mode Without Button Pushing

(on windows)

Easier than timing the buttons just right!

1.) First download the required archive

2.) Extract the archive to the root of your hard drive, should be


3.) Connect your iPhone and ignore iTunes

4.) Goto Start - run

5.) Next type in “c:/dfu/dfu iBSS.m68ap.RELEASE.dfu”

6.) Wait for iPhone to show a “white” screen

7.) Now you may proceed to downgrade!


  1. anyone tried this with
    iTunes 8.2
    Iphone 2G - 3.0 (iPhone1,1_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw)

    I am not getting this to work!
    It keeps looking for the iPhone.

    I tried to exchange the file: iTunesMobileDevice.dll

    than it finds the iphone - but the script crashes while trying to boot the iphone - iPhone stalls awith the iTunes / USB cable logo (no slider anymore!).

    Any ideas - desperately looking for an idea to get this to work, as my Power button is no longer working!

  2. hey can any one help i dont know how to run the the c:/dfu
