Unlock + Jailbreak Iphone 2g, Iphone 3g, Iphone 3gs (firmware 3.1.2) using snowbreeze

Most of you know few days ago Apple released a newer version of iPhone firmware 3.1.3 with few bug fixes and covered security holes. So, its very important for all iPhone user to update their iPhone with this updated version. Until now, we recommend all iPhone user who are planning to Jailbreak and Unlock there iPhone to stay away from this upgrade. Because, doing this will update there base-band to 05.12.01 and it will be impossible in the current market to downgrade it back to its previous base-band.
But, now things have changed. Once again Kudos to iH8sn0w. With his sn0wbreeze 3.1.3/7E18 you can Jailbreak your iPhone 2G, 3G and 3GS (old bootroom & non MC) by preserving your base-band. When we preserve our base-band we can unlock our iPhone using blacksn0w. This is one of the GREATEST achievement from iH8sn0w.
System requirements to run Sn0wbreeze Windows XP, Vista, 7 (32 or 64 bit), .NET Framework 3.5 & 256 MB of RAM. We are assuming that you already have latest version of iTune installed.
Note: Currently Sn0wbreeze 3.1.3 is still in testing stage so you may experience some bugs. iH8Sn0w is working on fixing all bugs.
Once again, this is only a Jailbreaking tool. To unlock your iPhone use the following guides here – ultraSn0w or blackSn0w.

Warning: This is only for iPhone. iPodTouch user have to wait.
Please do it on your own risk. We will not be responsible for any damage or breakage of your iPhone.
Step One: Download the following files (Only if you don’t have them)
Step Two: While Downloading the above files – Open iTune and start backing up your iPhone.
Step Three: Before you run Sn0wbreeze, make sure you have installed .Net Framework 3.5
Step Four: Start Sn0wbreeze and select “Simple Mode” and click NEXT – (Currently we recommend this option because “Expert Mode” is bit buggy. But, once the bugs are out I would recommend you to use “Expert Mode“. Because, “Expert Mode” gives us more flexibility in terms of creating custom firmware.)
Step Five: Sn0wbreeze will ask you to select the Original .ipsw file which you have downloaded from Apple. Click on Browse, Navigate to that file, Click Open and then Click on Next – (Please make sure you select the right one. If you have a iPhone 2G your ipsw file starts with iPhone 1,1_3.1.3, for iPhone 3G – iPhone 1, 2_3.1.3 and iPhone 3GS – iPhone 2, 1_3.1.3)
Step Six: Now, Click on START to create a custom .ipsw file for your iPhone.
Step Seven: Now, Sn0wbreeze will ask you if you want to activate your iPhone – (If you are on a official carrier like AT&T then click NO. If you want your iPhone to run under any GMS technology SIM then click YES)
Step Eight: Sn0wbreeze will let you know when the ipsw file is created successfully. sn0wbreeze_iPhone__.ipsw file will be saved on your desktop (This process may take for about 3 to 5 minutes)
Step Nine: Now, Plug your iPhone and Start iTunes. Click on your iPhone under Devices. Which is located on your left
Step Ten: Here come the Restore Process – While you are on this screen, Hold down the SHIFT key and Click on Restore
Step Eleven: Thats it you have done you work. Now, let iTunes do that rest. In this process you will see a status bar and your iPhone will restart few time.
Step Twelve: GREAT! You are done with the Jailbreaking process. If you wanted to unlock your iPhone follow the links below.
Please let us know if you have any questions or face any challenges. We will be more than happy to assist.
Users with all iPhone and iPodTouch models, if you want to stay on 3.1.2 and would like to Jailbreak & unlock your iPhone here are some tutorials
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